The mission of Casa Esther is to lend our voice and effort to the cause of the poor by offering a safe place to ask for help as they move towards self-sufficiency. We advocate for issues of social justice and work to preserve a sustainable planet for all.
Our work stands on the principles of Dorothy Day & Peter Maurin's Catholic Worker movement.
"House of Hospitality"
Hospitality is welcoming others to partake in one's bounty and compassionately assisting those less fortunate. It is a sanctuary of safety to lend a helping hand.
At Casa Esther, this means sharing what has been entrusted to us through our Basic Needs Distribution Program with those in need.
We also partner with other area organizations and resources to help those less fortunate to move
towards self-sufficiency.
Our door is open to fellow human sisters and brothers regardless of their status with any government agency. We have always served refugees and immigrants in their struggle for a better life for themselves
and their families.
We say "yes" -
and then do what we can!
What is TRULY important to create a world that works for everyone and everything?
Discussions of peace. Of justice. Of Creation stewardship.
For us, these discussions and ACTIONS take many forms. Forums. Conferences. Protests. Direct communication with
civic leadership.
Peace. Justice. Creation Care.
"Wherever two or more are gathered in His name..." - if they are working toward a Better World for All - then GOOD is happening.
...and Casa Esther will be supporting these efforts.
"Connection with
We are OF the Earth; not just ON the Earth. It is Mother Earth which supports All of Life. Ours is to be aware, recognize our Oneness with Nature and steward that which sustains us.
At a personal level, this is humble reverence and conservation. It is being a lover and defender of Earth.
At a collective level, it is advocacy for that which has no (human) voice, through environmental activism.
Casa Esther also connects with and teaches others of this sacred relationship with our local gardens furnishing healthy food to local food pantries and
farmer markets.

Stephanie from Sheboygan called and wanted to thank Casa Esther for the help she received for her (rent) for her family who was affected by covid. Without this help she and her family would probably be forced to be homeless. Thank you everyone.
I would like to give many thanks to Casa Esther for helping us after being homeless for the last two weeks. A very big thank you to all the sponsors and donors who make this happen. It is very generous of you all. We could never thank you enough. Thank you for the hotel stay/gift cards from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless you for all the wonderful things you do not only for our families but others as well who have been affected by COVID. Thank you.
~ Marvin R. and Marisol A.